Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Apothecaries Hall

Education Department had a useful "inset day" with Gareth Evans in the Apothecaries Hall. The history of medicines was discussed, with many anecdotes. One of the intentions is to increase the use of the Hall for talks, as it is a great venue to discuss plant medicines. The film show can be changed by replacing the digicard in the player - this has opened up a lot of possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob

    At least plant medicines, in the main, taste better than some.

    Thank goodness snail broth is no longer the cure for consumption!! Last time I had snails they smelt like a musty old cellar and by golly they tasted like one too! Cured of snails for life!

    I'll stick to vitamin rich blackcurrants for bad coughs and chills from now on.
